Why is having a business card in the digital era?

Why is having a business card in the digital era?

Among the communication tools par excellence, the business card occupies an important place. Indeed, a professional who usually meets, in a physical way, his clients or partners is under the obligation to dispose of it. However, with the digital era in which we are currently in where everything happens online and digitally, one wonders about the importance of having a paper business card today. Discover in this article the advantages that make a paper business card essential.

1 – Choose the card that is to leave a physical footprint

Having a website means choosing to open up to the rest of the world. This is an excellent means of communication. However, its field of action remains limited to the Internet. It cannot be used in the field. Indeed, during a physical exchange with a prospect or a partner, sending him to your web page or website to contact you is clumsy on your part. You will lose it for sure, especially if the framework of the meeting is informal. It is also a lack of professionalism on your part to write on a piece of paper the Internet link. There is a good chance that this paper will get lost in a bag.

However, if it is a paper business card, it can be easily stored in a cardholder or in a wallet. Thus, it will remain visible and therefore available to the prospect. He will be able to contact you easily if necessary. This is the best way not to be forgotten by your client or partner.

2- Opt for a business card to better present yourself and your company

Opt for a business card to better present yourself and your company

If your client or partner has your business card, they will refer you whenever they need your services. Likewise, it will not be able to miss the spelling of your first and last name. With a business card, you no longer need to check yourself on the Internet before joining. Since you are not alone in your field, by trying to search for yourself on the Internet, the client or partner may come across the advertisements of your direct competitors. Which won’t necessarily suit you.

3- Choose a business card to help your prospects keep your identity and brand

The business card is one of the best means of communication. It is also a way to promote its image. We talk about personal marketing or Personal Branding. This is why you must watch over the type of paper that will be used to make this business card. The business card must present your graphic identity and your typography without forgetting your logo. To stand out from your competitors and to help your prospects remember you if necessary, you must emphasize your graphic identity and try to be creative, for example by opting for a 3D printing of your business card.

4- Having a business card is a sign of professionalism and trust

mark of professionalism and trust

Présenter votre carte de visite lors d’un rendez-vous d’affaires est un signe de professionnalisme de votre part. Alors que l’échange d’un numéro de téléphone ou d’une adresse mail montre un amateurisme notoire. Présenter une adresse mail ou un numéro de téléphone peut faire douter le prospect de vos services ou produits. Pour certains cela est synonyme de manque de professionnalisme.

Presenting your business card during a business meeting is a sign of professionalism on your part. While the exchange of a telephone number or an email address shows notorious amateurism. Presenting an email address or a telephone number can make the prospect doubt your services or products. For some, this is synonymous with a lack of professionalism.

5- Having a business card is essential in some countries

If you are a businessman, you will certainly have this habit of traveling around the world to meet other customers and partners. There are some countries in the world such as Japan where a business card is essential for doing business. In other words, in Japan, you cannot close a deal without having a business card. Its inhabitants make a point of honor on the function and status of their vis-à-vis.

Likewise, in this country, the provision of a cardholder is imperative. Placing a business card that you have just received in your wallet or in your pocket is very frowned upon. It must also be said that the exchange of business cards in such a country is coded and failure to respect this code can be interpreted with contempt.

Thus, to hand over a business card and not damage your image vis-à-vis your interlocutor, you must hold the two corners of the card with both hands. You must present it in such a way that your interlocutor can read it directly. The latter will receive it with both hands in turn by grasping the two corners of the bottom while making a sign of inclination.

Despite the fact that we are in the digital age where everything has been dematerialized, the business card has not lost its importance. It remains and remains a better way to win new prospects and to be reachable at all times. You must not forget that the business card helps you to take care of your image with your partners.